S<sub>1</sub>: This year many States have been badly affected by the drought situation prevailing in the country.<br>P: No better is the situation elsewhere, where floods have ravaged the standing crop.<br>Q: Though some have been less affected, even these are facing an uphill task in managing the situation.<br>R: Especially pitiable is the plight of the poor farmer who cannot afford a tubewell to irrigate his land.<br>S: Here the predicament is more equitable, for everybody's land is similarly submerged under ten feet of water.<br>S<sub>6</sub>: Either way, it seems the lot of the Indian farmer to be at the mercy of the elements.<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: QRPS
Though some have been less affected, even these are facing an uphill task in managing the situation. Especially pitiable is the plight of the poor farmer who cannot afford a tubewell to irrigate his land. No better is the situation elsewhere, where floods have ravaged the standing crop. Here the predicament is more equitable, for everybody's land is similarly submerged under ten feet of water.