I. Bengal Nawab was captured and put to death by Mir Jafar in the Battle of Plassey, 1757.<br>II. After Mir Qasim, Nizam-ud-daula was made the Nawab of Bengal.<br>III. The same person acted as the deputy Dewan on behalf of the East Indian Company and as Deputy Subedar on behalf of the Bengal Nawab.<br>IV. In 1767, British Government ordered the East India Company to pay £400,000 per year.<br><br>Which of these statement(s) is/are correct related to the Bengal Politics during the 18th century?

Correct Answer: III &amp; IV
The same person acted as deputy Dewan on behalf of the East Indian Company and as Deputy Subedar on behalf of the Bengal Nawab. The British East India Company was suffering from massive amounts of debts incurred primarily from annual contractual payments due to the British government totaling £400,000 per year.