Consider the following statements with regard to the functions of the centromere in the chromosome.<br>1. Centromeres are the centres of movement of the chromatids or chromosomes during anaphase separation.<br>2. Acentric chromosomes lack the capacity to segregate in a regular fashion.<br>3. Crosing-over in one arm of a metacentric chromosome does not affect the crossing over in the arm of the same chromosome.<br>Which of the statements given above are correct?

Correct Answer: 1 and 3
About the functions of the centromere in the chromosome following statements are true.
1. Centromeres are the centers of movement of the chromatids or chromosomes during anaphase separation.
2. Crosing-over in one arm of a metacentric chromosome does not affect the crossing-over in the arm of the same chromosome.
The centromere appears as a constricted region of a chromosome and plays a key role in helping the cell divide up its DNA during division. Specifically, it is the region where the cell's spindle fibers attach.