A', on 9<sup>th</sup> January, 2015 agrees to sell his immovable property to 'R' and out of the total sale consideration of Rs. 3,00,000/- receives a sum of Rs. 1,00,000/- from 'B' as advance payment and agrees to vacate the property and handover vacant peaceful physical possession thereof to 'B' and to execute the Sale Deed of the property in favour of 'B' on receipt of balance sale 'consideration' on or before 9<sup>th</sup> July, 2015. 'A' fails to vacate the property or to execute the Sale Deed or to deliver possession of the property to 'B'. 'B' after waiting patiently till 31<sup>st</sup> January, 2016, on 1<sup>st</sup> February, 2016 got issued a legal notice to 'A' to take the balance sale consideration and execute the Sale Deed and deliver vacant peaceful physical possession. 'A' vide his reply received by 'B' on 17<sup>th</sup> February, 2016 denies the agreement. The limitation of three years available to 'B' for instituting a suit for specific performance is:

Correct Answer: With effect from 9<sup>th</sup> July, 2015