X' a Muslim executes a deed of gift on 1<sup>st</sup> January, 2002 of his property to 'Y', but delivery of possession is not given. Later, on 10<sup>th</sup> January, 2002 executed another gift deed in favour of 'Z' which was accompanied by delivery of possession to 'Z'. The gift deeds in favour of 'Y' &amp; 'Z' were registered on 30<sup>th</sup> January, 2002 &amp; 20<sup>th</sup> January, 2002 respectively.<br>In these facts,

Correct Answer: The gift deed executed in favour of 'Z' on 10<sup>th</sup> January, 2002 &amp; registered on 20<sup>th</sup> January, 2002 shall have precedence as possession was delivered to 'Z' as the gift was complete under Muslim law