Which of the following among item A and item B are correct?<br>The right of private defence extends, subject to Section 99, to the causing of death of the assailant or aggressor in the following circumstances:<br>Item A: For defence of body:<br>1. Against an act which reasonably causes the apprehension of an assault to outrage the modesty<br>2. Against an act which reasonably causes the apprehension that the assailant will kill his children living in another city<br>3. Against an act which reasonably causes the apprehension that grievous hurt would otherwise be the consequence<br>Item B: For defence of property:<br>1. While the trespasser is engaged in house breaking during day time.<br>2. Against a thief who reasonably causes the defender to believe that he would lose his property<br>3. Against a person who commits mischief under such circumstances as may reasonably cause apprehension that grievous Hurt would be a consequence<br>Select the correct answer:

Correct Answer: 3 alone of both items