Arrange the following in correct sequence of pre-shipment export procedure.<br>1. Approaching foreign buyers<br>2. Inquiring and making an offer<br>3. The letter of credit is opened by the importer<br>4. Exporter obtains ta pre-shipment finance<br>5. Exporter arranges for the production<br>6. Exporter then properly packs and marks the goods with details<br>7. Exporter then contacts the Export Inspection Agency (EIA) to obtain a inspection certificate<br>8. Exporter then seeks for exemptions under central excise duty<br>9. Exporter then obtains the insurance cover under the ECGE<br>10. Exporter appoints a Clearing and Forwarding (C &amp; F)

Correct Answer: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10