Which of the following statements are true/false?<br>1. Every worker who has worked fora period of 240 days or more in a factory during a calendar year shall be allowed during the subsequent calendar year, leave with wages.<br>2. A worker who has been allowed leave for not less than four days, in the case of an adult, and five days, in the case of a child shall, before his leave begins, be paid the wages due for the period of the leave allowed.<br>3. If a worker works in a factory works for more than nine hours in any day or for more than 40 hours in any week, he shall, in respect of overtime work, be entitled to wagesat the rate oftwicehis ordinary rate of wages.4. The periods of work of an adult worker in a factory shall be so arranged that inclusive of his intervals for rest, they shall not spread over more than eleven and a half hours in any day.

Correct Answer: 1, 2 are true and 3, 4 are false