Pick out the wrong statement below:<br>I. For the same conversion, the holding time required in a batch reactor, is always equal to the space time required in a PFR.<br>II. Two mixed reactors of unequal size are available for producing a specified product, formed by a homogenous second order reaction. To achieve maximum production rate, the smaller reactor should be placed in series before the larger reactor.<br>III. Arrehenius equation describing the effect of temperature on rate constant is given by, $${\text{K}} = {\text{A}}.{{\text{e}}^{ - \frac{{{\text{Ea}}}}{{{\text{RT}}}}}}$$<br>IV. The mechanism for the decomposition of CH<sub>3</sub>CHO into CH<sub>4</sub> and CO in presence of I<sub>2</sub> is:<br>CH<sub>3</sub>CHO + I<sub>2</sub> → CH<sub>3</sub>I + HI + CO; slow<br>CH<sub>3</sub>I + HI → CH<sub>4</sub> + I<sub>2</sub>; fast<br>Then the rate of disappearance CH<sub>3</sub>CHO is equal to K.C<sub>CH<sub>3</sub>l</sub>.C<sub>Hl</sub> and acts as a catalyst.

Correct Answer: IV