If w is 10% less than x and y is 30% less than z, then wy is what percent less than xz?

Correct Answer: 37%
W = x - xof 10% = x - 10x100 = x - x10 = 10x - x10 = 9x10and y = z - z of 30% = z - 30z100 = z - 3z10 = 10z - 3z10 = 7z10wy = 9x10×7z10 = 63xz100.'.xz - 63xz100 = 100xz - 63xz100 = 37xz100.'. xz = 37xz1001 = 37xz100×xz100 = 37xz×100100×xz = 37%