In the Excel Manufacturing Company, 46 percent of the employees are men. If 60 percent of the employees are unionized and 70 percent of these are men, what percent of the non-unionized workers are women?

Correct Answer: 90%
Let X% of the non - unionized employees be men. Percentage of non - unionized employees = 100% - 60% = 40% Percentage of unionized men employees = 70% of 60% = 42% Now, % unionized men employees + % of non - unionized men employees = 46% or,  42% + X% of 40% = 46% or,  X% of 40% = 46% - 42% = 4% or,  X/100 = 4/40 So,  X = 1/10×100 = 10 So, percentage of non - unionized women employees = 100% - 10% = 90%