In a certain office 1/3 of the workers are women , 1/2 of the women are married and 1/3 of the married women have children. If 3/4 of the men are married and 2/3 of the married men have children , what part of the workers have no children?

Correct Answer: //
Let, Total worker = xWomen = x/3Married women = 1/2 of x/3 = x/6Married women how have children <math xmlns = ""><mfenced><mrow><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>3</mn></mfrac><mi>o</mi><mi>f</mi><mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>6</mn></mfrac></mrow></mfenced><mo> = </mo><mfrac><mi>x</mi><mn>18</mn></mfrac></math>According to question,Number of male of total worker 2x/3Married male = 3/4 of 2x/3 = x/2Married male who have children 2/3 of x/2 = x/3So, total number of worker with children x/3 + x/18 = 6x + x/18 = 7x/18Total worker without children x - 7x/18 = 18x - 7x/18 = 11x/18