S<sub>1</sub>: There are divergent theories of education.<br>P: There is still another which holds that education has to be considered rather in relation to community than to the other.<br>Q: Yet again, some believe that a right proportion of all the theories should go into every system.<br> R: The other holds that the purpose of education is to impart culture.<br>S: The first considers that the sole purpose of education is to provide opportunities for growth.<br>S<sub>6</sub>: No actual education proceeds wholly and completely on any one of the theories.<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: SRPQ
The first considers that the sole purpose of education is to provide opportunities for growth. The other holds that the purpose of education is to impart culture. There is still another which holds that education has to be considered rather in relation to community than to the other. Yet again, some believe that a right proportion of all the theories should go into every system.