S<sub>1</sub>: A man handed a pair of trousers to the departmental store-clerk and said,"I'd like these altered, please".<br>P: He said that free alteration is not possible without a receipt.<br>Q: The man said,"Okay, I'd like to return the trousers". The clerk took them back and returned his money.<br>R: The man pushed the money and said,"Now I want to buy them". The clerk put the trousers in a bag, issued receipt and handed him both.<br>S: The clerk asked for the sales receipt but after searching his pockets the man replied that he had lost it.<br>S<sub>6</sub>: Triumphantly he put the trousers and the receipt on the counter and said,'I'd like to have these altered, please."<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: SPQR
The clerk asked for the sales receipt but after searching his pockets the man replied that he had lost it. He said that free alteration is not possible without a receipt. The man said,"Okay, I'd like to return the trousers". The clerk took them back and returned his money. The man pushed the money and said,"Now I want to buy them". The clerk put the trousers in a bag, issued receipt and handed him both.