S<sub>1</sub>: The right way to get people do things the way you want is not to compel them, drive them or for that matter even beg them or entreat them.<br>P: The sure way to antagonise an individual is to give him the impression that you are out to force or compel him to do something.<br>Q: The correct way is, therefore, to arouse a want in them and make them do, whatever you want them to do willingly, happily and eagerly.<br>R: It is the most difficult thing in the world to make an individual do anything against his will.<br>S: Even young, innocent children resent being made to do things.<br>S<sub>6</sub>: The secret of motivation, therefore, lies in your ability to arouse the right kind of want or thirst in the other people.<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: RPSQ
It is the most difficult thing in the world to make an individual do anything against his will. The sure way to antagonise an individual is to give him the impression that you are out to force or compel him to do something. Even young, innocent children resent being made to do things. The correct way is, therefore, to arouse a want in them and make them do, whatever you want them to do willingly, happily and eagerly.