In September 2009, the sales of a product were $$\frac{2}{3}$$rd of the that in July 2009. In November 2009, the sales of the product were higher by 5% as compared to September 2009. How much is the percentage of increase on sales in November 2009 with respect to the base figure in July 2009 ?

Correct Answer: - 30%
Let the total sales in July 2009 be Rs. $$x$$
Then, sales in September 2009 = Rs. $$\frac{2x}{3}$$
Sales in November 2009 :
= 105% of Rs. $$\frac{2x}{3}$$
= Rs. $$\left( {\frac{{105}}{{100}} \times \frac{{2x}}{3}} \right)$$
= Rs. $$\frac{7x}{10}$$
Decrease in sales :
= Rs. $$\left( {x - \frac{{7x}}{{10}}} \right)$$
.= Rs. $$\frac{3x}{10}$$
∴ Decrease % :
= $$\left( {\frac{{3x}}{{10}} \times \frac{1}{x} \times 100} \right)\% $$
= 30%