Consider the following :<br>1. The perpetual struggle of Ins and Outs for political power turns the legislature into a battlefield and in this struggle the interests of the country are forgotten.<br>2. Parties encourage hollowness and insincerity. They divide not only the legislature but the nation into hostile camps. During national emergencies, parties can hardly transcend their petty differences and present a united front.<br>3. Parties often over-reach themselves and indulge in unwholesome and immoral activities live bribing the legislators<br>4. Parties tend to become antonomous and to regard organisations as important for their own sake. Principles are thus subordinated to success at polls and issues are not considered on merit.<br>Which of the above statements make a valid criticism of political parties?<br>Select the correct answer from the following:

Correct Answer: 1, 2 and 4