PRINCIPLE: 1. A person is liable for death penalty when he does an act which is likely to cause death, and that person knows that his act in all probability will only result in death.<br>2. Death penalty is given only in rarest of rare cases.<br>FACT: Sunita, a married woman was flogged out of her husband's house by her father-in-law. When she was living with her parents, she got involved with a widower who also had an affair with Anita. In a fit of jealousy, Sunita killed her rival, Anita, as well as her little baby. Sunita also disfigured the faces of Anita and her baby and buried the bodies. Later, Sunita was tried for murder.

Correct Answer: She is liable for death as her act suffers from the highest level of depravity; and hence, is rarest of rare