A (a 25 year old man) was B's (a 23 year old woman) neighbour. He fell in love with her and wanted to ask her to enter into a relationship with him. He sent her a number of text messages proclaiming his love for her. She did not respond to his overtures. On November 18, 2013, A went to B's house and told her that he was in love with her, and wanted to marry her. She told him that she was not interested and asked him to leave. A believed that B was only playing hard to get, and if he persisted, she would change her mind. On November 25, 2013, when B was returning home from her workplace, A met her again and proclaimed his love for her again. She again told him that she was not interested, and threatened to complain to the police. In spite of this, a week later, when B was leaving for work, she noticed that A was waiting outside her house, with a bouquet of flowers, and he tried to give her the flowers. B ignored him once again, and went to the police station to complain about A's acts. Under what Section of the Indian Penal Code should the police register the FIR (First Information Report)

Correct Answer: Section 3540 for the offence of stalking