An elliptical dislocation loop is gliding on plane ABCD of a single crystal of BCC material as shown in the following figure. It is gliding along the burger vector 'b'. Identify the correct statement.<br><img src="/images/question-image/metallurgical-engineering/physics-of-metals-in-metallurgy/1684344178-M2-B-16-25.PNG" title="Physics of Metals in Metallurgy mcq question image" alt="Physics of Metals in Metallurgy mcq question image"><br>P. Plane ABCD belongs to the family of (110).<br>Q. Burger vector 'b' belong to direction.<br>R. Dislocation has the edge character at point x and the screw character at point z.<br>S. Dislocation has the screw character at point x

Correct Answer: P, S