If the income of Company A in 2007 and that in 2008 were equal and the amount invested in 2007 was Rs. 12 lakh, what was the amount invested in 2008?

Correct Answer: Rs. 1087500
$$\eqalign{& \text{Investment of A in 2007} \cr& = \text{Rs. 12 lakh and profit%} \cr& = 45\% \cr& \text{Income of A in 2007} \cr& = \text{Rs.}\left(\frac{145}{100}\times12\text{ lakh}\right) \cr& = \text{Rs. 17.4 lakh} \cr& \text{Amount invested by A in 2008} \cr& = \text{Rs.}\left(\frac{100}{160}\times17.4\text{ lakh}\right) \cr& = \text{Rs.}\left(10.875\times100000\right) \cr& = \text{Rs. 1087500} \cr} $$