Prakash, Sachin and Anil started a business jointly investing Rs. 11 lakh, Rs. 16.5 lakh and Rs.8.25 lakh respectively. The profit earned by them in the business at the end of 3 years was Rs. 19.5 lakh. What will be 50% of Anil's share in the profit ?

Correct Answer: Rs. 2.25 lakh
$$\eqalign{ & \because {\text{Ratio of shares}} \cr & = 11:16.5:8.25 \cr & = 4:6:3 \cr & {\text{Anil's share}} \cr & = {\text{Rs}}{\text{.}}\left( {19.5 \times \frac{3}{{13}}} \right) \cr & = {\text{Rs. }}{\text{4}}{\text{.5 lakh}} \cr & \therefore {\text{Required amount}} \cr & = 50\% {\text{ of 4}}{\text{.5 lakh}} \cr & = {\text{Rs. }}{\text{2}}{\text{.25 lakh}} \cr} $$