A company charges a fixed rental of Rs. 350 per month. It allows 200 calls free per month. Each call is charge at Rs. 1.4 when the number of calls exceed 200 per month and it charges Rs. 1.6 when the number of calls exceeds 400 per month and so on. A customer made 150 calls in February and 250 calls in march. By how much percent each call is cheaper in March than each call in February.

Correct Answer: 28%
$$\eqalign{ & {\text{Charge per call in February}} \cr & = \frac{{350}}{{150}} = \frac{7}{3} = 2.33 \cr & {\text{Charge per call in March}} \cr & = \frac{{ {350 + \left( {50 \times 1.4} \right)} }}{{250}} \cr & = \frac{{420}}{{250}} = \frac{{42}}{{25}} = 1.68 \cr & \% {\text{ Cheaper call rate in March}}. \cr & = {\frac{{ {2.33 - 1.68} }}{{2.33}}} \times 100 \cr & = 28\% \cr} $$