A Product is supported each week by the same three Product supporters. Last month the first supporter took 440 calls, the second took 360 calls, and the third took 300 calls. This month the job will consists of 1500 calls. If the three supporters each increase their work proportionately, how many more calls will the second supporter take this month than last month ?

Correct Answer: 131 calls

1st supporter recieve 440 calls 2nd supporter recieve 360 calls 3rd supporter recieve 300 calls

So total calls = 1100 calls ; Calls this month= 1500 So remaining calls to be distributed is 400

So Now Ratio 1st:2nd:3rd ==> 440:360:300=> 22:18:15

Now No. of More Calls 2nd supporter will get => [18/(22+18+15)] x 400=> (18/55) x 400 => 131 CallsSo 131 more Calls than last month.