Total number of men, women and children working in a factory is 18. They earn Rs. 4000 in a day. If the sum of the wages of all men, all women and all children is in ratio of 18 : 10 : 12 and if the wages of an individual man, woman and child is in ratio 6 : 5 : 3, then how much a woman earn in a day?

Correct Answer: Rs. 250
Ratio of number of men, women and children,$$\eqalign{ & = \frac{{18}}{6}:\frac{{10}}{5}:\frac{{12}}{3} \cr & = 3:2:4 \cr} $$
Total (Men + Women + Children) = 183X + 2X + 4X = 189X = 18X = 2Hence, number of women = 2X = 2 × 2 = 4Share of all women = $$\frac{{10 \times 4000}}{{40}}$$  = Rs. 1000 Thus, share of each woman = $$\frac{{1000}}{4}$$ = Rs. 250