A naughty boy Amrit watches a Sachin Tendulkar inning and acts according to number of runs he sees Sachin scoring. The details are:<br>1 run - place one orange in the basket <br>2 runs - place one mango in basket<br>3 runs - place a pear in the basket<br>4 runs - remove a pear and a mango from the basket<br>One fine day, at the start of the match, the basket is empty. The sequence of runs scored by Sachin in that inning are given as 11232411234232341121314. At the end of the above inning, how many more oranges were there compared to mangoes inside the basket ? (The Basket was empty initially).

Correct Answer: 6
Number of oranges in the basket,= Number of 1 run scored = 8 oranges.Number of mangoes in the basket,= (number of 2 runs scored - number of 4 runs scored) = 6 - 4 = 2 mangoes.Number of more oranges in basket than mangoes,= 8 - 2
= 6