Which of the following statements with regard to the Mediterraneam agriculture is/are correct? 1.The Mediterranean agriculture is highly specialized commercial agriculture. 2.It is intensive subsistence agriculture dominated by wet paddy cultivation. 3.It is a primitive subsistence agriculture.4.Viticulture is a speciality of the Mediterranean region. Select the correct answer using the code given below.

Correct Answer: 1 and 4 only

Mediterranean agriculture is practised  on  the  either  side  of  the Mediterranean  Sea  in  Europe  and in   north   Africa   from   Tunisia   to Atlantic  coast,  southern  California, central  Chile,  south  western  parts of   South   Africa   and   south   and south  western  parts  of  Australia. This region is an important supplier of citrus fruits. Viticulture or grape cultivation  is  a  speciality  of  the Mediterranean region.