Each item consists of six sentences of a passage. The first and sixth sentences are given in the beginning as S1 and S6. The middle four sentences in each have been jumbled up and labelled as P, Q, R and S. You are required to find the proper sequence of the four sentences and markyour response accordingly on the Answer Sheet. <br />S1 :The climate question presents a leapfrog era for Indias development paradigm.<br />S6 :This presents a good template for India, building on its existing plans to introduce electric mobility through buses first, and cars by 2030.<br />P :It is aimed at achieving a shift to sustainable fuels, getting cities to commit to eco-friendly mobility and delivering more walkable communities, all of which will improve the quality of urban life.<br />Q : At the Bonn conference, a new Transport Decarbonisation Alliance has been declared.<br />R : This has to be resolutely pursued, breaking down the barriers to wider adoption of rooftop solar energy at every level and implementing net metering systems for all categories of consumers.<br />S :Already, the country has chalked out an ambitious policy on renewable energy, hoping to generate 175 gigawatts of power form green sources by 2022. <br />The correct sequence should be

Correct Answer: S P R Q
SPRQ is the correct order in which sentences should be arranged.