A school has scheduled three volleyball games, two soccer games, and fourbasketball games. You have a ticket allowing you to attend three of the games. In howmany ways can you go to two basketball games and one of the other events?

Correct Answer: 30

Since order does not matter it is a combination. 


The word AND means multiply. 


Given 4 basketball, 3 volleyball, 2 soccer. 


We want 2 basketball games and 1 other event. There are 5 choices left. 


C(How many do you have, How many do you want) 

C(have 4 basketball, want 2 basketball) x C(have 5 choices left, want 1) 

C(4,2) x C(5,1) = (6)(5) = 30


Therefore there are 30 different ways in which you can go to two basketball games and one of the other events.