You are working on a new project to develop a new wireless product with ease - of - use features recommended by customers. It is as yet undetermined which features and the extent to which each feature will be incorporated into the product.You have a focus group that will continue to evaluate the features as the project goes forward.The focus group is authorized to suggest changes, as are your engineers and the quality department.As a project manager, what will help you most to minimize the effect of these changes?

Correct Answer: A scope management plan

Answer A is tempting because the problem focuses on changes. However, because we are talking about the elaboration of the product's characteristics, we are talking about scope changes, and therefore Answer B is the best answer. Answer C is also tempting because it is difficult to more forward on a project until the scope is clearly defined (especially in systems development projects), but with products and certain types of web development, scope changes can be frequent, and a formal scope management plan is needed. Answer D is true from a project perspective, but does not addres the scope issues.