A straight tree is broken due to thunder storm. The broken part is bent in such a way that the peak touches the ground at an angle elevation of 45°. The peak of the tree touches the ground at a distance of 25 m. What will be the height of the tree?

Correct Answer: 25(1 + √2) m
Given, Angle = 45 – degree, base distance = 25 m. Let the vertical height be = x m, diagonal length be = y m. ➩ tan 45 = vertical height / base distance ➩ 1 = x / 25 ➩ x = 25 m Also, ➩ sin 45 = vertical height / perpendicular distance ➩ 1 / √2 = 25 / y ➩ y = 25√2 m Height of the tree = x + y = 25 + 25√2 m = 25(1 + √2) m