A mixture containing 45% of oil is mixed with another mixture containing x% of oil in a ratio 3 : 5. If the quantity of oil in the final mixture is 50% of the mixture, find the value of x.

Correct Answer: 53
The mixtures are mixed in a ratio 3 : 5. Let the quantities of the mixture mixed be 300 liters and 500 liters, respectively. The amount of oil in the first mixture = 45% of 300 = 135 liters The quantity of oil in the second mixture = x% of 500 = 5x The quantity of oil in the final mixture = 50% of 800 = 400 liters 5x + 135 = 400, 5 = 400 – 135 = 265, x = 265 / 5 = 53 X = 53