A Carnot heat engine receives heat at 750 K and rejects the waste heat to the environment at 300 K. The net work output of the heat engine is used to drive a Carnot refrigerator, whose COP is 6.14. If the heat removal rate from the refrigerated space is 6.6 kW, determine the rate of heat supply to the heat engine?

Correct Answer: 1.79 kW
W(HE) = (1 – T(L)/T(H))*Q(H) = 0.6*Q(H); W(R) = W(HE); Q(L)/COP(R) = 0.6*Q(H); ∴ Q(H) = Q(L)/(0.6*COP(R)) Rate of heat supply to the heat engine (Q(H)) = 1.79 kW.