A steel strap is serving as a support for the steam pipe. The strap is welded to the pipe and bolted to the ceiling. The junction between the support strut and the ceiling is adiabatic, and the outside temperature of steam pipe is 105 degree Celsius. The strut AB is 60 cm high and AD = BC = 12.5 cm. It is 0.3 cm thick. Workout the rate at which heat is lost to the surrounding air by the support strut. It may be assumed that thermal conductivity for steel is 45 W/m degree, the total outside surface coefficient is 17 W/m2 degree and the surrounding air is at 32 degree Celsius

Correct Answer: 178 W
α x/α 0 = t x – t a/t 0 – t a = cos m (l – x)/cos ml.