Two boxes containing candies are placed on a table. The boxes are labelled B1 and B2. Box B1 contains 7 cinnamon candies and 4 ginger candies. Box B2 contains 3 cinnamon candies and 10 pepper candies. The boxes are arranged so that the probability of selecting box B1 is 1⁄3 and the probability of selecting box B2 is 2⁄3. Suresh is blindfolded and asked to select a candy. He will win a colour TV if he selects a cinnamon candy. What is the probability that Suresh will win the TV (that is, she will select a cinnamon candy)?

Correct Answer: 13⁄33
Let A be the event of drawing a cinnamon candy. Let B1 be the event of selecting box B1. Let B2 be the event of selecting box B2. Then, P(B1) =1⁄3 and P(B2) = 2⁄3 P(A) = P(A ∩ B1) + P(A ∩ B2) = P(A|B1) * P(B1) + P(A|B2)*P(B2) = (7⁄11) * (1⁄3) + (3⁄11) * (2⁄3) = 13⁄33.