If 2 kg of metal, of which 1/3 is zinc and the rest is copper s, be mixed with 3 kg of metal , of which 1/4 is zinc and the rest is copper , then what will be the ratio of zinc to copper in the mixture?

Correct Answer: 17 : 43
In 1st metal, Zinc = 2×(1/3) = 2/3 Copper = 2×(2/3) = (4/3) In 2nd metal, Zinc = 3×(1/4) = (3/4)  Copper = 3×(3/4) = (9/4)   New ratio , Zinc : Copper = {(2/3) + (3/4)} :{(4/3) + (9/4)} = {(8 + 9)/12}:{(16 + 27)/12} = (17/12):(43/12) = 17:43 (Ans)