In dividing a number by 585, a student employed the method of short division. He divided the number successively by 5,9 and 13 (factors of 585) and got the remainders 4,8,12 respectively. If he had divided the number by 585, what would have been the remainder?

Correct Answer: 584
ধরি, সংখ্যাটি x এবং successively ভাজক y, z and p ∴ x = 5y = 4 ………………………(1) y = 9z + 8 …………………(2) z = 13p + 12 ……………. (3) p = 1 হলে, z = 13×1 + 12 = 25 ∴y = 9×25 + 8 = 233 ∴x = 5×233 + 4 = 1169 এখন, 585)1169(1 585584