Write five numbers which you cannot decide whether they are square just by looking at the unit’s digit.

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Any natural number ending with 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 or 9 can be or cannot be a square number. 


The five examples are: 

(i) 2061 

The ending digit is 1. Hence, it may or may not be a square number 

(ii) 1069 

The ending digit is 9. Hence, it may or may not be a square number 

(iii) 1234 

The ending digit is 4. Hence, it may or may not be a square number 

(iv) 56790 

The ending digit is 0. Hence, it may or may not be a square number 

(v) 76555 

The ending digit is 5. Hence, it may or may not be a square number

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