A' a resident of Mumbai has a website 'www.caravan.co.in' launched in 2015. 'A' has a business of apparels in Mumbai having a trade mark 'CARAVAN'. The website is accessible from Delhi. 'B' a resident of Hyderabad starts a website 'www.caravaan.co.in' in 2017 having the same business. The website of 'B' consists of a catalogue, a toll free number, and an email address. 'A' wants to file a suit for passing off of trade mark in Delhi.<br>1. 'A' can file a suit in Delhi on the basis of accessibility of website of 'B'.<br>2. 'A' cannot file a suit merely on the accessibility of website.<br>3. 'A' cannot file a suit in Delhi as the website of 'B' is not interactive.<br>4. 'A' can file a suit if 'B' specifically targets the forum state resulting in harm to 'A' in forum State.<br>Choose the correct option from below:

Correct Answer: 2, 3 and 4 are correct