<u>Directions :</u> In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by two conclusions. Give answer :<br><br><u>Statements :</u> The Bank of England's move to auction 25 metric tons of gold drew plenty of bidders looking for a bargain, but was criticised by major gold producers worldwide.<br><br><u>Conclusions :</u><br>I. The Bank of England should not auction gold which it possesses to keep steady international prices of gold.<br>II. Bidders should quote higher gold prices to retain present value of gold in the international markets.

Correct Answer: Neither I nor II follows
The statement does not talk against the auction but only speaks of the response it received from the bidders and gold producers. So, I does not follow. The phrase 'plenty of bidders looking for a bargain' is quite contrary to II. So, II also does not follow.