<u>Statement :</u> Drinking water supply to New Bombay has been suspended till further orders from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board following pollution of Patalganga river, caused by discharge of effluents from some chemical industries.<br><br> <u>Courses of Action :</u><br> I. The industries responsible for discharging effluents into the river should be asked to close down immediately.<br>II. The river water should immediately be treated chemically before resuming supply.<br>III. The Pollution Control Board should check the nature of effluents being discharged into the river by industries at regular intervals.

Correct Answer: Only II and III follow
The situation demands checking the nature of effluents being discharged into the river and treating the water accordingly to make it fit for drinking. So, both II and III follow. Further, the industries discharging effluents into the river should be warned not to do so and asked to install proper waste treatment and disposal systems, rather than be closed down. Thus, I does not follow.