<u>Statement :</u> There has been an unprecedented increase in use of malpractices by the students during various examinations held in the country this year.<br><br><u>Courses of Action :</u><br> I. All the concerned authorities conducting these examinations should immediately take effective measures to curb this menace.<br>II. All those students who are detected to have used unfair means should be debarred from appearing in any of these examinations for the next three years.<br>III. Using unfair means should immediately be made cognizable offence by passing necessary legislations.

Correct Answer: Only I and II follow
Use of malpractices does away with the basic essence of examinations and hence it ought to be checked. So, I follows. Also, the fear of harsh punishments would prevent students from using unfair means. So, II also follows. But declaring it a crime may spoil the career of students who are caught using unfair means. So, III does not follow.