<u>Directions :</u> In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by three conclusions. Give answer :<br><br><u>Statement :</u> The employees association has appealed to the Managers of Company Z to introduce written examinations for clerical cadre recruitment to prevent selection of incompetent persons.<br><br><u>Assumptions :</u><br>I. So far the Company Z used to select candidates without conducting a written examination.<br>II. A written examination can help to identify competent persons.<br>III. At higher level, written examination may not be of much use.

Correct Answer: Only I and II are implicit
An appeal has been made to 'introduce' written examination. This means that so far written examination was not conducted. So, I is implicit. II follows directly from the statement and so it is implicit. However, nothing can be deduced about the mode of selection at higher level. So, III is not implicit.