<u>Directions :</u> In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by three conclusions. Give answer :<br><br><u>Statement :</u> The company has recently announced a series of incentives to the employees who are punctual and sincere.<br><br><u>Assumptions :</u><br> I. Those who are not punctual at present may get motivated by the announcement.<br>II. The productivity of the company may increase.<br>III. The profit earned by the company may be more than the amount to be spent for the incentive programmes.

Correct Answer: Only I and II are implicit
Announcing incentives for punctual and sincere employees would surely motivate more and more employees to be punctual, and this will ensure productivity. So, both I and II are implicit. However, the statement does not give any information about the profit earned by the company. So, III is not implicit.