<u>Directions :</u> In each of the following questions a statement is given, followed by three conclusions. Give answer :<br><br><u>Statement :</u> In the recently held All India Commerce Conference the session on 'Management of Service Sector in India' surprisingly attracted large number of participants and also received a very good media coverage in the leading newspapers.<br><br><u>Assumptions :</u><br>I. People were not expecting such an encouraging response for service sector.<br>II. Service sector is not managed properly in India.<br>III. Media is always very positive towards service sector.

Correct Answer: Only I is implicit
Since the response was 'surprising', so I is implicit. Nothing about the real management of service sector can be deduced from the statement. So, II is not implicit. Also, the statement talks of the media's response to only a particular session on service sector and not all in general. So, III is also not implicit.