S<sub>1</sub>: Films developed from the silent stage to the talkie stage with a tremendous mass appeal.<br>P: Film makers of those days used film media to portray our struggle for freedom.<br>Q: The thirties and forties were decades of tremendous social, political and cultural upheavals.<br>R: That is what 'Alam Ara' did to the delirious delight of the audience and thus triggered off a revolution.<br>S: In the turbulent thirties, the silent Indian films began to talk, sing and dance.<br>S<sub>6</sub>: Extolling the virtues of bravery and making patriotic films was the order of the day.<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: SRQP
In the turbulent thirties, the silent Indian films began to talk, sing and dance. That is what 'Alam Ara' did to the delirious delight of the audience and thus triggered off a revolution. The thirties and forties were decades of tremendous social, political and cultural upheavals. Film makers of those days used film media to portray our struggle for freedom.