S<sub>1</sub>: India's non-alignment has not been an attitude of negative neutrality.<br>P: In other words, it is not an aloofness from or indifference to other nations.<br>Q: Instead, it has been an attitude of constructive neutrality.<br>R: On the contrary, India has been taking a keen interest in all international developments.<br>S: India wants the goodwill of all nations and is hostile towards none.<br>S<sub>6</sub>: This policy has been accepted, if not actually appreciated by the leading powers of the world.<br><br>The Proper sequence should be:

Correct Answer: QPRS
Instead, it has been an attitude of constructive neutrality. In other words, it is not an aloofness from or indifference to other nations. On the contrary, India has been taking a keen interest in all international developments. India wants the goodwill of all nations and is hostile towards none.