A lady buys grocery worth Rs. 350 from a shop. The shopkeeper is selling the goods with zero profit.<br> The lady gives him Rs. 2000 note. The shopkeeper gets the change from the next shop, keeps 350 for himself and returns Rs.1650 to the lady.<br> Later, the shopkeeper of the next shop comes with Rs. 2000 note saying that it is a duplicate note and takes his money back. <br>How much loss did the shopkeeper face?

Correct Answer: Rs. 2000
Step - 1. Start with the assumption that the shopkeeper has Rs. 10000 in his cash (this is just for making it simple).

Step - 2. The lady comes in and shops for Rs. 350 and gives the shopkeeper Rs. 2000. Then, the shopkeeper now has Rs. 10000 + 2000 = Rs. 12000 in cash.

Step - 3. The shopkeeper takes the Rs. 2000 Note to another shopkeeper and gets Rs. 2000 in change - therefore he still has Rs. 12000 in cash as in step 2.

Step - 4. Now the shopkeeper gives Rs. 1650 back to the lady. So the shopkeeper is now left with 12000 - 1650 = Rs. 10350 in cash.

Step - 5. Now the other shopkeeper comes in with the duplicate note and takes his money back. The duplicate note has zero value. So basically now the shopkeeper is down to 10350 - 2000 =Rs. 8350

Step - 6. He originally had Rs. 10000 in cash. Now has Rs. 8350, So Rs. 1650 loss, plus 350 lost in the grocery that the lady took.

Step - 7. Total loss Rs. 1650 + 350 = Rs. 2000.