An article was sold at a profit of 12% . If the cost price would be 10% less and selling price would be Rs. 5.75 more, there would be a profit of 30 %. Then at what price it should be sold to make a profit of 20% = ?

Correct Answer: Rs. 138
Let the CP1 of article = 100x
Initial SP1 = 100x + 12% of 100x = 100x + 12x = 112x
Now, If He brought article at 10% discount. Therefore CP2 = 90x
Now SP2 = 90x + 30% of 90x = 90x + 27x =117x
According to question
SP2 - SP1 = 5.75
⇒ 117x - 112x = 5.75
⇒ 5x = 5.75
⇒ x = $$\frac{5.75}{5}$$
⇒ x = 1.15
Initial Cost of article = 100 × 1.15 = Rs. 115
To sold article at 20% profit
= 115 + 20% of 115
= 115 + 23
= Rs. 138