A and B start an enterprise together, with A as active partner. A invests Rs. 4000 and Rs. 2000 more after 8 months. B invests Rs. 5000 and withdraws Rs. 2000 after 9 months. Being the active partner, A takes Rs. 100 per month as allowance,from the profit. What is the share of B if the profit for for the year is 6700 ?

Correct Answer: Rs. 2700
A : B
8 × 4000 + 4 × 6000   :  8 × 4000 + 4 × 6000
56 : 54


Total profit is Rs. 6700 but Rs. 100 per month is withdrawn by A,
So Rs. 1200 is taken by A in one year. Remaining profit will be distributed between A and B.
According to the question,
56x + 54x = 6700 - 1200
110x = 5500
x = 50
B's share = 54 × 50 = Rs. 2700